What’s happening on land east of Eastlands Estate, King George’s Avenue, Leiston?

From open fields to what could be the entrance to Sizewell C, is in fact office blocks and a caravan site for workers.

All before final investment decision!

In the last few weeks Sizewell C Co (SZC Co) have submitted numerous applications to East Suffolk Council (ESC) in relation to the ‘discharge of Requirements’ provided for, in the Sizewell C DCO. One such application concerns various works on some of the land east of Eastlands Estate (LEEIE), Leiston. You can find this application on the Planning Portal Simple Search (eastsuffolk.gov.uk) Ref: DC/23/2730/DRC.

So, what is happening at the LEEIE? It seems SZC Co have decided they need more accommodation/welfare buildings, although no details are given as to numbers, height or design of the buildings.

The works will comprise the formation of:
• An access on to King George’s Avenue;
• A contractor’s compound containing welfare facilities and storage space;
• An access road within the site providing two access points to the office/welfare
• Accommodation/welfare facilities including car parking and associated hard standings; and
• A noise bund and stockpiles for the temporary storage of stripped topsoil and
subsoil, and imported granular material.

No residents have been contacted as it’s not deemed a requirement by ESC. If you live along King George’s Avenue you may wish to look at the proposals and respond. Deadline Wednesday 2nd August. We know the time to respond is short but it’s always worth sending in a response after the deadline, stating you were not aware of the plans and they should accept.  Please tell your neighbours what they can expect. The map below can be found on page 19 of THIS document

TASC have responded to the application and you can read it here HERE

A later submission on 13th Sept to:  

DC/23/3441/DRR | Bespoke Mitigation Plan for the Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate (LEEIE) Advanced Works, secured by the Noise Monitoring and Management Plan under Requirement 2 (Code of Construction Practice) of the Sizewell C Development Consent Order

TASC strongly objects to this additional plan for Land East of Eastlands Industrial Estate (LEEIE) and cannot understand why this is being treated as a separate matter to the original “plan” for discharge of requirements, DC/23/2730/DRR.

We have already pointed out in our response dated 30th July 2023 to the original LEEIE application for discharge of requirement 2, that there is no appropriate plan for this site registered under the DCO approval. SZC Co have failed to provide any detailed plans which, we submit, should be accompanied by scale drawings of elevation and floor plan, the location of and access/exit points for services such as sustainable drainage, flood attenuation/drainage, power lines, lighting, potable water, and dust suppression water supplies, together with details of highway access and rail routes.

TASC respectfully requests that the applicant be required to supply full and comprehensive planning drawings for this site which could have a major impact on the AONB and Leiston Town.  TASC further requests that this matter is treated as either a material change to the DCO or dealt with through the local planning process requiring full consultation with all relevant agencies and parishes.




There are many more planning applications for the Sizewell C development on the East Suffolk Council website and TASC will respond to as many as possible. Just go on the planning applications page on ESC website, put Sizewell C in search and you will find them all listed.

With £1.2 billion of our taxes in Sizewell C co coffers, it seems needed mainly for clearing hedges, chopping down trees, putting up buildings, that may never be used, as still no Final Investment Decision (FID) agreed.