Suffolk says No to Sizewell C ~ Town & Country Magazine ~ October 2020
Latest: EDF’s Hinkley C Nuclear Power Station will be wiping out fish stocks in Severn Estuary for 60 years. Same for SZC?
National Trust concerned about impact of Sizewell C on Dunwich ~ 02.10.20 ~ EADT
Sizewell C will lead to “catastrophic losses’ for nature, say charities ~ EADT ~ 01.10.20
Over 100 businesses sign letter to oppose building Sizewell C ~EADT ~ 26/09/20
EDF Energy needs to do much more surrounding plans for Sizewell C – Cllr Richard Rout SCC 22/09
Cost of nuclear plant clean-up rockets
Cost of nuclear plant clean-up rockets
by Hamish Champ
The cost of decommissioning 10 Magnox nuclear power stations across the UK has mushroomed by nearly £5bn since the original contract for the work was drawn up in 2014.
According …
Independent study questions jobs and economy boost claims of Sizewell C EADT 08/09/20
Britain’s nuclear industry faces sharp U-turn The Telegraph 03/09/20
Britain’s nuclear industry faces sharp U-turn
Given the balance of cost and risk, a renewables-based energy system now looks a safer bet than building new nuclear power plants
ByEd Clowes3 September 2020 • 6:00am
Covid-19 has upended the …