Many local people are now believing Sizewell C is a done deal and with all the work Sizewell C co are doing in the area it’s not surprising, but lets not forget, the money, between £20 – £30billion has yet to be found, a site licence has yet to be granted by the Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and other permits from the Environment Agency yet to be passed. The DCO allows this ‘preliminary works’ to start, before a Final Investment Decision (FID) and should this money not materialise then all the trees, hedges and slashing of the SSSI must be reinstated. Really? Still they’ve been gifted £1.2 billion already of Taxpayers money, our money, so let’s hope they save some for re-planting all that has already been lost. SIZEWELL C is not yet a done deal however EDF attempts to spin it.

Should SZC go-ahead we know the traffic will be hell during the build but it has started already, here’s what to expect over the next few months. A small flavour of what’s to come.

Main Site (Leiston)

Lovers Lane temporary access

The smaller (temporary) temporary access has completed allowing traffic to enter the main site to undertake pre-commencement works. Due to restricted visibility temporary traffic management is required on Lovers Lane for safety reasons. Although some concerns have been raised regarding the closure of the layby we have not received anything formally and checking with the HWRC it is not affecting their operations.

This smaller temporary access will be replaced by a larger temporary access once a water main has been diverted which we understand has been delayed until early November. The larger access does not require temporary traffic signals to be used safely. SCC has raised its concerns regarding the delayed opening of the larger access and by default use of the smaller access with SCC Co.

Lovers Lane Speed Limit

SZC Co have notified us that a temporary 30mph speed limit will be implemented on Lovers Lane from Abbey Road to beyond the Kenton Hills Access on the 16th October 2023. This speed limit will remain until after the works on Lovers Lane are complete.

Internal Haul Road

SZC Co have informed us that they intend to build a 2.8km surfaced haul road to allow access for early site establishment works.  As this is off the public highway our specific concerns are the traffic movements generated on the public highway and the access off the public highway rather than the haul road itself. We understand that construction of the haul road (referred to as the Site Establishment Early Access Route? – SEEAR) will start on the 23rd of October and progress until the 15th of December. The maximum daily movements forecast by SZC CO are 74 pre day increasing to 82 during surfacing works (3 weeks from 27th November).

Bridleway 19

BR19 remains open with crossing point over the temporary haul road controlled by gates and banksmen.

Associated Construction Area (ACA) (Leiston)

King George Avenue:

SZC Co are constructing a temporary access off King George Avenue to commence construction of an office and welfare block. The latter is expected to start on the 30th of October and last until the 15th December generating up to 34 HGV movements a day many of which will be abnormal loads on account of their width. Generally, these are not a width requiring police escort.

Benhall Fen Meadow Mitigation (Benhall):

A1094 Access (Benhall)

The temporary access is complete. Dependant on weather conditions we expect SZC Co to start removing spoil from the 16th October until 1st December 2023. Traffic control will be required at this access (A1094) when being used by HGVs.  This is expected to generate a maximum of 82 vehicle movements (ie 41in 41 out) each day which will be routed via the A12 and B1122 to the main site access off Lovers Lane.

A12/A1094 (Farnham)

Due to safety concerns regarding HGVs turning in and out of the A1094 onto the A12 SZC Co have installed a temporary 40mph limit which will be controlled by average speed cameras. The enforcement cameras will go live once SZC CO have police approval and HGV movements start. The average speed cameras will be decommissioned once the spoil movements are complete, or if weather conditions cause a halt to operations.


Water Supply Facility / freight Management Facility – no change since September.

  • Felixstowe Road Layby: Anglian Water intending to install standpipes at the layby as a temporary measure for filling SZC water tankers soon, but we don’t yet have confirmed dates. Part of the layby will be coned / fenced off but through access maintained.
  • A temporary access will be installed just west of the end of the dual carriageway to allow access for archaeology and other surveys. This will be constructed as soon as we receive the details that enable us to agree the technical details. Construction will require temporary traffic signals for a short time.
  • Freight Management Facility / Water Supply Facility: The planning application has been submitted to ESC and is awaiting determination. This includes forming a new access off Felixstowe Road. We have reviewed this and subject to some minor changes we consider it is acceptable to SCC as the highway authority in planning terms. SZC Co will still be required to seek technical approval from SCC for the access.

General Activities


We understand SZC Co are looking to commence the main site early in 2024. You may see SCC and ESC notifying stakeholders regarding a number of requirements and other planning activities that need to be undertaken to achieve this.

Highway Condition Surveys

You may notice surveys being undertaken by vehicle and site operatives along the B1122. These are to gather baseline data to measure and future deterioration of the road but also to inform repairs to reduce noise and vibration from defects during the early years such as loose manhole covers, gullies and failing trenches. Any repairs identified by the latter need to be completed within 3 months of commencement. One key early mitigation activity is to survey and repair any loose manhole covers, gullies or surface defects within three months of commencement. The survey work for this was undertaken last week.

Design and supporting activities.

SZC Co have started the detail design of most of the highway schemes (the associated development in DCO terms) and those in the Deed of Obligation. As part of this they are required to undertake road safety audits and you may see small teams of engineers doing these over the next few weeks. It is probable that other activities such as coring and trial pits will be necessary to inform the design of the highway projects. These would typically be done using temporary traffic management noting that work on the A12 is not permitted during peak morning and afternoon periods.


The current program we have is that construction of the works adjacent to the main site (ie Abbey Road, Lovers Lane) will start Q2/3 next year with the major schemes such as the SLR and TVB starting at the end of 2024.


Transport Review Group

This is now functioning in an embryonic form. SZC Co have appointed a Transport Co-Ordinator who will be a key link between communities (ie transport and community working groups) and the TRG.  SZC are looking to start some of the transport working and community groups in the near future although, as yet, I do not have dates.


The pre-commencement / site establishment activities will generate some significant HGV movements in advance of commencement. Whilst not covered by management plans, we have worked with SZC Co and ESC to establish a pre-commencement construction traffic management plan. As part of this SZC CO will be starting to use a Delivery Management System that will record number, times and routing of HGVs and this will be monitored and reported back to the TRG.

The current estimate of the maximum number of HGV movements is set out in the table below. Note that a movement is a single direction trip ie 1 delivery results in 2 movements. And the 15 movements for UXOs etc is a rounding error or average! I have asked that SZC Co communicate a message that there will some noticeable level of construction traffic with local stakeholders including yourselves and Parish Councils.


HGVs 2-way
25-Sep 02-Oct 09-Oct 16-Oct 23-Oct 30-Oct 06-Nov 13-Nov 20-Nov 27-Nov 04-Dec 11-Dec
ACA – S278 office construction 0 1 0 0 0 14 34 34 26 21 16 16
ACA – Archaeology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TCA – SEEAR East of BW19 0 0 0 2 42 42 42 42 42 82 82 82
TCA – SEEAR West of BW19+S278 access 0 0 0 0 2 32 32 34 22 2 2 2
TCA – E&SW 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0
TCA – UXOs / Marsh Harrier / Archaeology 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Benhall – access construction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Benhall – exports 0 0 0 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 0 0
FMF – temporary access 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
FMF – archaeology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Felixstowe Rd layby – water tankers 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
MCA – existing movements (ongoing) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Daily total: 28 29 28 123 165 209 230 232 212 225 136 136

A reminder of a day trip to Hinkley Point C 2 years into the build!