RSPB Minsmere & Suffolk Wildlife Trust say critical evidence is missing from EDF’s Sizewell C application.
Minsmere reserve is recognised as one of Europe’s most important areas for nature and biodiversity. Yet, the much-loved reserve faces potentially significant harmful impacts from EDF’s proposed new nuclear power station, Sizewell C.
RSPB Minsmere along with Suffolk Wildlife Trust believe this critical missing evidence means an uncertain future for protected animals around the reserves. Marsh Harriers, otters, water voles, bats, rare natterjack toads, red-throated divers to mention a few, could all be impacted greatly from the 10 to 15 year build.
See both RSPB Minsmere and SWT responses here and join the LOVE MINSMERE CAMPAIGN
Suffolk a beautiful county, but it has one of the biggest docks in the world. Causing massive lorry traffic which in turn kills many many dead animals along the A14.
Minsmere is a nature reserve that I have enjoyed 75 yrs, so I want the future generations to experience what I have.