There is a new danger that the government could allow the “RAB” model (aka the #nucleartax or #ridiculousatomicbailout) to help pay for the risky construction of the multi-billion pound mega-nuclear project, Sizewell C. With uncertainty of Chinese investment in Hinkley C and CGN’s 20% involvement with Sizewell C {THE GUARDIAN} it could and would mean all of us paying a surcharge on our energy bills, whichever provider we are with and regardless of what tariff we are on – for years before any energy is generated. Remember we still have the high strike price agreed with EDF for Hinkley C to pay for, when it starts generating power. There is a real danger that the high cost of building Nuclear Power stations will put many, many in fuel poverty when the costs kick in.


More than 97.000 people say NO, Thanks to SumOfUs

If you haven’t already signed this petition, add your name at


You can also sign the petition on the Parliament website that says no to large-scale nuclear.