Help with Registering with The Planning Inspectorate.

Ignoring the request from 54 town and parish councils, numerous organisations and individuals calling for EDF to defer this application until the restrictions placed on us all due to the corona-virus pandemic are lifted, on 27th May 2020, EDF submitted the Sizewell C Development Consent Order (DCO) application to build twin EPR nuclear reactors on the fragile Suffolk coast, with the national Planning Inspectorate (PINS). TASC have been, and remain, concerned that EDF will use the prohibition on meetings, the need for social distancing and the necessity for many to self-isolate as shielded individuals, to their advantage as these will limit the public’s ability to fully engage in the DCO process. On 24th June 2020, PINS formally accepted the application preparing the way for the next phase, the Pre-Examination stage.


The Pre-Examination period runs from 8th July to 30th September 2020. During this stage, the public and organisations are invited to register with the Planning Inspectorate to become an Interested Party by making a Relevant Representation. A Relevant Representation is a summary of a person’s views on the application, made in writing to PINS. See here for guidance. TASC are currently reviewing EDF’s documentation and have prepared a draft for our own submission by 30th September-this can be viewed here.


EDF’s DCO documents can be found at


More information about the DCO planning process can be found on the PINS website at:-



For those who may wish to appraise themselves with many of the issues involved, we have provided below links to the 3rd Stage Consultation responses from TASC, the Environment Agency, RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust as well as to the Secretary of State’s 2014 and 2019 Sizewell C scoping opinions :-

RSPB Response

Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Scoping Opinions


Please feel free to contact us for help.